Please note: All these resources remain the copyright of The E-Safety Office.
I am happy for you to link to these resources from your website, however they cannot be uploaded onto any other website or platform without my express permission.
Parents Resource

YouTube is the most popular site for children to use, whether it be watching their favourite vlogger, laughing at cartoons on getting tips on their latest games. This leaflet gives some further advice about YouTube.

Video Games

Screen Time
Children love using technology, however there needs to be a balance between using devices and engaging in other activities. This leaflet gives some advice on Screen Time.

Safe Selfies
Many devices now feature built-in cameras and children like using different apps to change their appearance. Here is some advice on how your children can take safe selfies.

Parental Controls
With households having many different devices, it can be difficult for parents to know how to set up parent controls. This simple guide looks at ways to restrict what their child can do on popular platforms.

New Year
It is never too late to begin your New Year's Resolutions! Here are some tips for children and parents about making sure there is a balance between tech and family time.

Internet Filtering
We never want our child to come across unsuitable content on the internet. This leaflet gives some advice about enabling filtering on their home broadband to minimise the chances of coming across unsuitable content.

E-Safety Christmas

Digital Family Time
A good way to explore technology is as a family and these simple tips help parents set ground rules on using devices and look at ways that children and parents can develop their digital skills.

Online bullying can be devastating for children and young people. This leaflet helps parents understand the signs that their child may be being bullied on the internet and what they can do about it.

App Safety
Children like using apps. This leaflet gives parents greater understanding and support about their child downloading and using apps.
Teacher Resource

Online Safety Staff Briefing
This online safety staff briefing gives a simple overview of the current issues that professionals working with children and young people need to know.

Online Safety Advice for ITT Students